Highest Rated Comments

Tekaramity30 karma

I would yodel for joy. Get Hasbro on the phone. Please. I'm 100% serious. You guys would instantly become my favorite game developer, forever. And best friends. FiM deserves an excellent game, not something dispassionate or mediocre, and WayForward's absolutely one of the scant few companies that I trust would execute it grandly. Adam, I am asking you right now, get Hasbro on the phone. Or email, Twitter - whatever! We FiM fans would buy the heck out of a WF FiM game. Use your Business Connection-Fu to connect the necessary people and companies. And then? Make magic. All of the magic.

Tekaramity3 karma

That was pretty much the only game I played for a while, as a youth. If you guys ever obtain that license or the means to create a game for it, the world would become a better place. True fact.

Tekaramity2 karma

Insightful perspective, here. It's a bit mystifying, though, that so many 3D games operate along two planes: the x-axis and the z-axis. In that sense, they're actually similar to 2D games, whose playfield comprises the x-axis and y-axis planes. One standout among your games (and the other greatest 2D games) is the prominent inclusion of gameplay that takes full advantage of both planes of movement.

Tekaramity2 karma

Gotta say, the resurrection of Sparkster was a glorious thing, and I'd absolutely support any collaboration between Konami and WF involving him. Thanks again for your hand in bringing the possum back. ^

Tekaramity2 karma

Hey folks, thanks a boatload for this. =D So, concerning Shantae HGH: why now? In brief (or not!), what aspects of the game's realization - tech, timing, creative concepts, and so on - were key to launching the project both internally and publicly?