Highest Rated Comments

Striderrs8 karma

No no, it could be a v-tail because he isn't a doctor or lawyer.

Striderrs4 karma

Mr Follett! Thanks for doing this AMA :). I am a huge fan of your work and have read 7 or 8 of your books. I loved every single one of them! I don't have an actual question for you, I just want to thank you so much for giving me the ability to escape my high school days and float into the world you so intricately craft in every book you write. I loved Winter of the World, and can't wait for Edge of Eternity!

P.S. Way to tug at my heart strings with everything that happened in the Pacific in Winter of the World:(.

EDIT: I do have a question actually! Do you find it difficult or emotional to kill off a character? It's heart-breaking as a reader to read it, but the characters of your books are almost like your children in a sense. I imagine it must be horribly difficult to do so after spending months of carefully sculpting a character and their personality.

Striderrs2 karma

I feel horrible for upvoting this.

Striderrs2 karma

Definitely resumé material right there!