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Stebraul156 karma

Where do you see the FBI going into the future? Waco portrayed you as someone who disagreed with the direction of FBI and policing in general.

Stebraul117 karma

Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?

Stebraul19 karma

To the first question: Absolutely, it is easily the most fulfilling thing I've done in my life

To the second question: 32 is fine so long as you feel you can do the job which is entirely subjective. Even if you feel you can't, I'm sure they have other uses for you

To the third question: It requires a serious time commitment, some departments require a certain amount of time each month or year devoted to certain activities pertaining to the fire department while others just expect you to answer calls. In either case a lot of your free time will be taken up.

Stebraul3 karma

They are there because there are usually more fire trucks spaced over a larger area than there are ambulances. These fire trucks can sometimes get to the medical scene quicker and begin prehospital care prior to the arrival of EMTs/Paramedics. They bring the engine or the truck because if they get another call on the way back, they don't need to respond back to the station, they can just go to the call. That, and the bigger the truck, the bigger the barricade on the road should you need it.

Stebraul2 karma

At the very least can you get Shumer to stop giving that godawful speech at college graduations that no one understands? The one about how he chose between a girl and international travel? I coulda done without that one.