Highest Rated Comments

Starpluck651 karma

So he's accepted defeat then.

Starpluck289 karma

How did you react to your older brother getting a felony and spending a year in prison?

Starpluck79 karma

You mean around $50 million.

Which granted is still a lot, but not even a fraction of what Facebook is worth today.

Starpluck72 karma

Would you say homosexuality is a choice after enduring a year of prison?

Starpluck67 karma

I'd hope for neither. Mubarak was a pet, receiving a gratuitous amount of aid (akin to bribery) to maintain his strong pro-Western/Israel stance. He was also complicit with the vile Gaza blockade among other things.

The new government should continue the peace treaty with Israel (muslim brothers' have also announced they'd do the same fyi) while not funding any terrorist groups.

They should also significantly ease the Gaza blockade so it doesn't amount to collective punishment, and send aid to Gaza etc.