Highest Rated Comments

ShotFromGuns2292 karma

  1. If the purpose of Yotta is to use lottery psychology "for good," why have you historically indulged in practices that seem to exploit those mechanics for your own benefit to the detriment of Yotta customers (particularly Crypto Buckets, which pushed users toward uninsured deposits by offering additional tickets over the FDIC-insured deposits) and the Hot Pot promotion (which tanked the APY for every single user but one lucky winner)?

  2. Now that you've gotten rid of Crypto Buckets and ended the Hot Pot promotion, how can we trust you to not go back to exploitative schemes the next time they look like a good way to make yourselves a quick buck?

  3. Are you ever going to make it easy to track our actual realized APY over time (ideally on a monthly, annual, and all-time basis) so we can see what we're actually earning with Yotta vs. what we could be earning elsewhere? The app only shows the current month to date plus last month's APY, and I literally can't find the info on the website at all.

  4. Why should I keep more than a token deposit at Yotta (for 1 ticket/week, same as the regular lottery) when real HYSAs are offering 3%+ APY?

ShotFromGuns540 karma

ShotFromGuns533 karma

Actually, I disagree. Fred Rogers took children very seriously, which included respecting them. /u/YayTheRedHead's teacher did not respect her.

It's possible to criticize someone politely but firmly, and I think that's what Mr. Rogers would have done. It's possible to tell someone that they've been a jerk in a constructive way that doesn't excuse their behavior while also not attacking them.

ShotFromGuns107 karma

Moreover, that respect came through honesty and treating them as adults.

Not as adults, exactly, but still as people, albeit as people with less life experience and with brains that couldn't yet process some concepts, depending on the age of the child. One of the things that Mr. Rogers excelled at was breaking complex ideas down to a level where children could understand it: he was definitely speaking to and for children, but not in a patronizing way.

ShotFromGuns82 karma

Maybe they're talking about "alternate universe pairs." You know, where one of them has a black goatee.