Highest Rated Comments

SafeAsMilk8 karma


I love your beautiful book, but I have a question: Do you have any advice for someone with ADHD? Although intellectually I understand what I have to do, at times I just... forget. Thanks!

SafeAsMilk3 karma

Writing seems to be more of physically constrained cerebral communion, while sculpture and painting are (ostensibly) more physically free expression. How do you navigate those boundaries? It seems that the question of the chasm between mind and body, along with mortality, is a recurrent theme in your work.

SafeAsMilk3 karma

There's a real dude) named Michael Jackson who is a poet and anthropologist, and is from New Zealand.

Currently he teaches at Harvard. I was wondering if he got prank calls or anything. He seems like a super cool guy.

SafeAsMilk3 karma


What do you think of New Zealand's Michael Jackson, the poet and anthropologist?

SafeAsMilk1 karma

That's all I could ever hope for.