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Robert_Kurson10 karma

It's still being developed! The film is at Universal, in phenomenal hands there. Fingers crossed!

Robert_Kurson5 karma

Finding a great true story to tell is the single hardest part of my business. I talk about best approach to finding stories with my writer friends all the time. There doesn't seem to be any consensus on how best to go about it. For me, one of the best pieces of advice comes from the great Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who advises that a person - any curious person - should attend a lot of cocktail parties. By that, he means, sometimes the best stories (and insights) come from talking to other people. So...I ask people I know, and especially those I don't, a lot of questions.

Robert_Kurson5 karma

For years, Joseph Bannister was a well-respected English sea captain. Working for wealthy merchants, he sailed the Golden Fleece between London and Port Royal, Jamaica, carrying cargoes like sugar, hides, and indigo dyes. Then, in 1684, he stole the Golden Fleece, recruited a top-flight crew, and turned pirate. His rampage lasted more than two years, and its story - including how he cheated the hangman in Port Royal, then defeated the Royal Navy in battle in Hispaniola - forms the centerpiece of my new book, Pirate Hunters.

Robert_Kurson4 karma

History doesn't record Bannister's motivation. That remains one of the most fascinating aspects about the man. He was successful, likely earned a good wage, and could someday retire comfortably. By turning pirate in 1684 he faced near-certain hanging if caught.

Robert_Kurson4 karma

I think I've gotta fix that! And my wife is a pirate herself, so I don't think she'd approve.