Highest Rated Comments

Raspberries-Are-Evil1380 karma

Shouldn't you still go to college and studying something that interests you? You can afford it...

Raspberries-Are-Evil745 karma

Jew here. Are we cool bro?

Raspberries-Are-Evil562 karma

Instant boner killer.

Raspberries-Are-Evil551 karma

Why can't you folks get your rules straight? I fly every week for work, and I swear every time its some different bs. I fly with a guitar because I am a Musician. I have had guys ask me to remove the strings because they could "be a weapon." Please. I could stab you in the face with my pen or strangle you with a belt. Then I have to argue and I've been threatened with being arrest for not complying... So again, why can't there be standards? And if there are, why can't you guys follow them?

Raspberries-Are-Evil230 karma

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