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Raisin_the_dog14 karma

You don’t own any common shares. You have diluted this stock from 500m shares to now an AS of 10 billion shares. Every chart that you can view (1 day, 5 day, 1 month, 6 month, 1 year etc) has negative growth. You’ve taken bonuses that exceed the revenue for the companies yearly revenue. Can you name 1 thing you’ve done or something that you plan to do to show investor value? It seems like you’re the only one making money here. Are there any investors that are in the green with any of their purchases?

Raisin_the_dog5 karma

How come you stopped showing your face on Stocktwits? Are you too embarrassed to face the truth on there?

Raisin_the_dog3 karma

Or what, you’ll sick the same people on me who went after the FUD spreading bashers 🤦‍♂️🤪 you don’t own any patents. And you didn’t invent rad dog. Unitree did. You’ve done nothing but enrich yourself. Slander my ass you loser. Facts.

Raisin_the_dog3 karma

Aren’t you one of the aitx discord moderators? If you are, that’s sad that you’re not even confident enough to hold them long term. Yikes

Raisin_the_dog3 karma

You’ve done nothing for your investor base other than steal money to line your own pockets. Lol you didn’t even invent your stupid rad dog. China and unitree did lol. Imbecile