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What’s a staple lazy weeknight tofu dish? I usually will stick a whole block of firm tofu into the air fryer, chop it up, and throw it into whatever. Maybe with some gochujang or soy sauce. Is there something equally lazy but better?


I like the second idea! I'll try it out.

I know silken tofu is good for a lot of these quick recipes. I need to start buying that.


Hi Professor Singer! I'm a huge fan of your work and your book "The Most Good You Can Do" convinced me to make many lifestyle changes, including going vegan.

My question is about career choice: As a college student I have yet to make major choices about future jobs. I enjoy academia and might want to pursue graduate school, but as an effective altruist I doubt this is where I can make the biggest difference. How did you decide on your career path, and what information (if any) do you think would help narrow my decision?