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PutinInYou10 karma

Breathalyzers and notarized consent forms...

PutinInYou7 karma

Seems like a lot (though not all) of your cases revolve around protecting the free speech of Christian students and teaches as well as people who want to bring "free market" principles into the classroom.

So... Is FIRE a Conservative organization? How much of your funding comes from overtly conservative organizations like the Scaife Foundations?

Hard to say they're conservative given some of the liberal speech they've defended... http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2a5o8d/i_am_a_lawyer_at_fire_a_free_speech_nonprofit/cirrub9

PutinInYou5 karma

Why do you think the reaction would be any different? It probably wouldn't. If one can preach, all can preach.

Are you saying that diversity requires that nobody talk about the things that they believe in, or the things that make them diverse? That makes no sense. You can use the same justification for saying "well, let's not talk about African American history, because we have some Asian and white kids."

Diversity means that there are more differing opinions than they would be otherwise. If that's not "appropriate," then what the hell is the point of diversity?

PutinInYou5 karma

Does it really do you any harm to hear someone else talk about their religion? Seems pretty thin-skinned to me. And I'd think twice before saying that annoyance should be a legitimate reason for restricting speech.