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PapaSteel18 karma

I don't know if you're ever going to read this late submission, Pastor, but I've enjoyed this thread the last two years and wanted to finally ask a question.

Lifelong-atheist-turned-genuine-believer here after a divine experience, but still not yet a fan of specific church denominations or even the bible. Instead of going to church, I would RATHER just help my community or people in need each week.

What are the most important things I'm missing out on by skipping group worships and sermons, and what would you suggest I add to my life to help supplement that?

PapaSteel6 karma

Ryan, there are plenty of people who struggle with Imposter Syndrome, the feeling that their success isn't earned.

You are the most insanely unique writer out there. Is your every waking moment haunted by the constant fear that you're just a big fat phoney that somehow keeps getting paid, or have you entered into the realm of true megalomania and know that world domination is the obvious next step?

PapaSteel5 karma

Hi there. Diehard and proud lifelong atheist that's now been struggling to make sense of some religious experiences and find my way forward with faith. I recognize this question might skirt the line of what you pointed out you'd be comfortable answering, so I understand if it gets ignored.

Why Catholicism specifically as opposed to any other denomination? Was there research involved, did you simply feel a calling and know it to be true right away? How'd that discovery and decision-making process happen for you?

PapaSteel5 karma

If you read Jamie's latest book, it's starting to become obvious how far he's fallen as a chef.

PapaSteel2 karma

Hey, guys! This is incredible work, and I've always been a big supporter that D&D can be wonderfully therapeutic.

But as a GM, I like to create high-risk games where death, or loss, or sadness can be possible. Is there an easy way to balance this with the safe space mentality, or are the games you run extremely lighthearted?