Highest Rated Comments

OtheDreamer154 karma

Yeah I don’t think this AMA went how OP would have hoped. Heck u/OrangeJulius weighing in with better answers than the AMA itself does not look good for OPs chances in court….

OtheDreamer33 karma

Woodys was probably the first real disaster that other AMA disasters are compared to. It’s not the worst, but is a benchmark


OtheDreamer16 karma

What are the modern limitations to the direct physical impact a hack can have on a countries infrastructure?

OtheDreamer3 karma

What does body rejection feel like? Were you able to feel any of the different organs post transplant? Which was the hardest procedure to recover from?

OtheDreamer1 karma

Hello Brendan,

Did you ever think JavaScript was going to be as big as it’s become?