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Nihilistic_Mystics24 karma

Katie Porter does her own fundraising and last election didn't take a penny from the party at large, even in her toss up race. Are you seriously trying to claim that the ability to rake in individual donations is a bad thing? Is your inability to fundraise somehow a positive? This is ridiculous.

Nihilistic_Mystics6 karma

If by "playing the game" you mean actually engaging with her constituents (me included, she's my rep) and representing my interests at a national level, then yes, she absolutely plays the game. I donate to her because she pushes the issues I want her to. Do you think you speak for me or something? Do you claim that you know what I want out of a representative better than me?

Go right ahead and check my user history, I'm an OC resident and very vocal about how happy I've been with her representing me. I'm also an engineer with a background in change management (I've been the head of the change control board for one of the largest aerospace companies on the planet), and I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, but after this AMA I can see that you're a clown.

Nihilistic_Mystics3 karma

Yep, mine's under my sink right now.