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NibblesMcGiblet16 karma

Paralysis means the muscles won't move, however the nerves still work. Nerves are what allows one to feel things. edit - I understand your question though, we've all seen tv shows where someone can't move their legs and a doctor pokes the foot with a needle and asks "can you feel this? or this?" and the patient says no. I believe there are some kinds of paralysis that are nerve based as well. IANAD obviously but didn't want to just leave a partial response that doesn't address where you're coming from. Hopefully OP or a doctor chimes in.

NibblesMcGiblet15 karma

When you compete on a show like this that films live but doesn't air for many months, does the winner have to hide the fact that they won from everyone they know until it airs? Do the losers also have to pretend that maybe they actually won until it airs? Or can you go straight home and tell your family and friends that you won but can't talk about anything specific until it airs?

NibblesMcGiblet5 karma

I took it wrong at first two but they only meant "do you know who Technoblade was".

NibblesMcGiblet3 karma

Did you want to be a forensic pathologist before your diagnosis as well, or did the diagnosis help you decide what you want to be? Have you been able to do treatment outside the hospital or have you had to be inpatient? What's the longest time you've been in there all at once? Have you ever seen the old cancelled TV show "Red Band Society"? I really enjoyed it, it's about kids/teens who are inpatients together in a hospital for a variety of reasons, one has Ewing Sarcoma, one has a heart condition, one has anorexia, one is in a coma, one has cystic fibrosis... I am probably forgetting some. It's about their relationship, but it's also kind of a comedy in a lot of ways. It's not a realistic portrayal of the illnesses or treatments but I enjoyed it. Just curious. Best wishes!

NibblesMcGiblet1 karma

I'm glad six days has been the longest at a stretch. I imagine it might get boring after awhile, especially hearing about the food you're subjected to! Hospital food is always bland and weird, but with food restrictions due to allergies I'm sure it's awful. I'm glad you've been able to bring your own or get it from the cafeteria at least. I read through the comments and I'm so glad your mom works at a hospital and that it worked out so that you had surgery the same day as she talked to a surgeon about it! It is a shame that you are missing a lot of this year of school but hopefully before long you will be back to doing all the same things you always did. Yeah, check it out, it was a great show! In the first episode there's a funny scene where a cheerleader (the one with the heart condition) collapses because of her heart and all the students just pull out cell phones and record her - this is funny because when this show came out, it was only JUST becoming common to have cell phones, and especially for younger people to have them, so that scene made the show feel very cutting edge or very "in the moment" or whatever. Back then you didn't see references to the internet or to cell phones on tv in that way and so as soon as I saw that scene I felt like "oh wow, this is great, it's going to be more realistic than how most shows portray teenagers".

Anyway, if you watch it I hope you like it! There's just one season anyway, you'd get through it very fast.