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Neandertholocaust638 karma

Many religions teach from a young age that sex is to be saved for marriage, and that no one will want you if you've already had sex (a church teacher of mine used an analogy about nobody wanting chewed gum.)

Do you think the way this is taught can enable sexual abuse because victims don't want anyone to know they're "used"? How do you think this (admittedly difficult) subject should be taught to young people?

Neandertholocaust3 karma

Mormons don't have any medical restrictions like that. There's some that are crazy, but there's no ban on vaccinations or blood transfusions (That's Jehovah's Witnesses)

Source: Used to be Mormon

Neandertholocaust1 karma

Listening to Andrew Santino on Joe Rogan's podcast, I was impressed with the reverence he had for I'm Dying Up Here and the story they were trying to tell. What are some of your favorite stories from The Comedy Store, and how do you feel about the show?

Also, is Brendan Fraser as awesome as he seems?

Lastly, (and I may be wrong about this) but I thought I remembered reading that Sam Kinison kind of took you under his wing in your early stand up days. What's your favorite memory of Sam?