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NETSPLlT103 karma

Take time to be sad and unhappy together. She will be feeling, and while keeping busy is good there needs some times for the emotions to come and the thoughts to process.

Lost my closest best friend to cancer a few weeks ago. It's sad and it sucks. But there is no avoiding when the time comes it comes. Sharing honestly and openly is the best thing.

Keep enjoying the good times, and support your GF in her sorrow and grief, and you in yours. Because when the end is closer, you'll need that emotional connection. It's ok the be sad and it's healthy to process these feelings together, little by little. Get used to it dealing together before it's too much.

NETSPLlT23 karma

Motivation will come from your practice. Look back on how far you've come, regularly.

Other musicians are fine inspiration, but you should only compare you to past-you. This will be the source of motivation.

NETSPLlT15 karma

Don't underestimate the power controlled bursts of batshit crazy have. Once in a long while you can calmly lose your shit on someone and they'll never forget it. The nicer and calmer you normally are, the more effective.

This can backfire, but it can work too.

NETSPLlT15 karma

I have had a business owner, my boss, literally face to face screaming at me because I stood up for myself and my brother and sister coworkers. I also lost that job - good riddance to that jerk. It's a shame no one else would, collectively they could have had things improved with the boss at least forced to follow the law.

I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself - so many people don't. I'm sorry you lost your job if you wanted to keep it. In my opinion it's better to speak up and risk getting a slap than always being walked on in silence.

NETSPLlT12 karma

What is really the issue? You can be honest about it. It is likely less of an issue than anyone else thinks. Well, some people are jerks but ignore them.

Be yourself, work on being the best person, put yourself in situations to meet potential partners and understand most people your interested in won't work out for you. It's a numbers game, the point is don't get hung up on a specific person. Work on developing a relationship and if it doesn't work seriously don't stress just let it go.

If you're afraid lack of experience makes you a bad lover, consider that a tremendous amount of highly experienced men are terrible lovers. Don't sweat it. There are many women who won't mind this about you, as long as you are a confident, nice person.

And if you really want the experience you can find legal safe places to accomplish this as a business transaction. I don't recommend it, real loving sexual relations isn't quite the same. Plus that may be a negative against you by a potential partner.