Highest Rated Comments

MsBluffy433 karma

Thanks for being willing to address some of the tough questions Tommy. We appreciate you and your willingness to talk to the fans! Much love!

MsBluffy353 karma

Hi Tommy! Thanks so much for doing this AMA. My question is, if you could go back in time and re-do "The Room", start to finish, is there anything that you would do differently? (PS thanks for the underwear that come with The Room scripts!)

MsBluffy11 karma


MsBluffy2 karma

I worked a haunted house one season and my character was a nurse and I had a longer interaction with the guests (kind of a tour guide/intro). We had our fare share of people commenting about our appearance, and a few drunks who would get a bit more crude about it, but I don't recall anyone ever crossing the line and touching or grabbing.

MsBluffy2 karma

I always hated the ones that would try to get you to break character. A little teasing is one thing, but often (after many drinks) they won't let it go. And they think they're very clever.