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Mr__Random9 karma

In the rape cases that OP investigated there was lots of evidence that the police could have looked at, but chose not to. If the issue was investigated the same way that the police investigate every other crime then there wouldn't have been an issue at all. Saying that rapes are impossible to solve is false and is a very damaging narrative to push. Rapes can often be solved the same way any other crime is solved by a thorough and competent investigation rather than jumping straight to victim blaming.

Do you really fail to see how a person could be found not guilty of a crime but the person who made the report not be a liar? If a case lacks enough evidence for a conviction that doesn't automatically mean that the person who reported the crime is some kind of evil liar does it?

Mr__Random0 karma

I greatly appreciate the response. I will definitely watch your film this weekend. Please keep fighting the good fight. You are all awesome.

Mr__Random-2 karma

I was going off the stats quoted by someone else so I can't verify them. However it is often better to draw conclusions through verified data than through speculation. If you have data which shows something different then feel free to share it.

Mr__Random-8 karma

Is it possible to combat the narrative pushed by certain sites "cough, Reddit, cough" that false rape accusations are some kind of weapon used by women against men, that women who report themselves as having been raped need to be held to an incredibly high level of scrutiny, and that reporting a rape should have the potential to put the reporter in a lot of legal trouble?

Mr__Random-9 karma

So 92 - 98 percent of reported rapes are not false, but there seems to be more of a focus on scrutinising women who come forward to report themselves as having been raped than there is in actually investigating the potential rapist.

I think the post by OP and the journalism they have done highlights how much damage this attitude does to women who are victims of rape.

While I generally try to avoid playing oppression Olympics I think that making life harder for the victims of rape who are brave enough to report it on the off chance that they are part of the 2-8 percent making false allegations does more harm than good. Yeah being falsely accused of being a rapist is horrible, but you know what else is horrible? Being raped. Never mind the added trauma having the people you report said rape too not taking it seriously, and attempting to put the victim on trial instead of y'know the fucking rapist.

Also you don't see this when it comes to other crimes. A small number of people make false accusations of kidnapping, murder, car accidents, insurance fraud, all kinds of things. But the first response when someone reports a different crime like for example reporting a murder the response typically isn't to immediately and aggressively investigate the person doing the reporting. If the alleged murderer is found not guilty they don't try to throw the person who reported the murder in jail.