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MrSpite6 karma

Hey! My seven-year-old daughter LOVES Jedi Academy and can't wait for me to pick her up a copy of Return of the Padawan. Your Star Wars books are seriously some of the best (for lack of a better term) "media tie-in kids' books" I've ever read. They have great characters, a fantastic homemade feel... there's soul in those books, which is AWESOME to stumble upon, as a parent who finds himself reading your books to his kid at bedtime pretty often.

I have to say - My daughter demanded that I buy her a copy of Kids Are Weird when we saw it at the bookstore. I balked (wasn't sure if it was for kids or parents), but I bought it anyway and she adores it. It makes her cackle like a madwoman. Kids, apparently, love reading about other kids' hilarious non-sequitirs. So my question is - do you plan on doing any more all-ages autobiographical comics about your son?

MrSpite2 karma

Are there any monsters from literature, movies, or myth that you've always wanted to work into a story, but haven't had the chance to yet?

MrSpite2 karma

Awesome. My daughter seriously drops quotes form KAW all the time. We were at our local ice cream shop, my daughter got a sample, and said out loud "This tastes like human feet." The owner was all "Oh, it does? I'm sorry, I don't know why..." and I had explain "She's just quoting from a book she reads. Tell the man it tastes good."

MrSpite1 karma

Mike - Just so you know, every time I'm about to start a new trip or adventure, I lock eyes with a friend and shout "PAPRIKA CHICKEN!" It's become my own personal version of "Onward HO!", so thanks for that.