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MelonElbows6 karma

Were you surprised this wasn't some new Tommy Wiseau movie? Because reading the title, that's all I could think about

MelonElbows1 karma

Early on, I've heard that one reason Biden wouldn't just do an executive order to eliminate student debt is because he would probably lose in the court AND that the next president could simply un-eliminate it with a similar order, forcing people to repay back the debt they thought was gone. How true are both of these concerns? Could the courts really block him? I was under the impression that its well within the president's power to do so. And if the next president reinstates the previously eliminated debt, wouldn't that be retroactive punishment? Once the debt is removed by executive order, its gone forever, everyone's debt starts from scratch right? So if the next guy reinstates it, he only reinstates it from that point on?

MelonElbows1 karma

Are reddit posts actually evidence? He could simply claim he was doing this for fun and the answers weren't serious.