Highest Rated Comments

MakeT0nightStay48 karma

Two things:


  2. Where do you live now?

MakeT0nightStay23 karma

I had a teacher that was "un-schooled" her entire life and a community college took her off of her ACT scores. She went from CC to a public university and is now working on her Ph D. Don't worry, you will find a way :)

MakeT0nightStay18 karma

Your answer for #5 is not wrong. I watched an episode of Undercover Boss for one of the waste removal companies and they revealed they don't give their drivers bathroom breaks. The female driver they had said her male coworkers would often pee in bottles but that wasn't really an option for her, not to mention having a period etc.

MakeT0nightStay11 karma

How do you think The Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo, gives such specific information when she allegedly doesn't know the name of the person before she does a reading?

MakeT0nightStay3 karma

I just wanted to tell you that this is such a great thing you decided to do. I hate to say it but when some people with diseases that are 50%+ chance carrier decide to have kids, especially with no prior genetic testing, it just seems to selfish to me. This is an amazing decision and your children will thank you, even if for some small chance they are still carriers. At least you did everything you could to ensure their future health.