Highest Rated Comments

LudovicM11 karma

By curiosity, with all the content seen in outposts, is there a possibility of seeing some of that content "leak" into regular NPC villages(like newly opened franchise for Frögg Furnishing)? And can we expect more content to be developed for villages in terms of gameplay or services they could offer?

LudovicM7 karma

Ruined city biome sounds very awesome! Anything you can tease about these? (I might be a large fan of ruined multi-layered dystopian hive cities like a post-apocalypse Coruscant ; )

LudovicM7 karma

How would this be handled? Currently every players have their own ship so would we see something like players having the options to "join up" as part of the crew of an already existing player ship when joining a multiplayer server(especially with how large upgraded ships can get)?

LudovicM4 karma

That sounds awesome :) What can we expect from vehicles in the (far?) future? And what kind of rewards could we expect for exploration? I always enjoyed the idea of being able to claim and name planets we explore or even being able to name our colonies in a way that could be be displayed to others so I cannot help but being curious ;

LudovicM3 karma

Thank you again so much for your replies :)