Highest Rated Comments

Loeffellux1123 karma

Since choosing actualy kids to play most major roles didn't scare you off was there any other part of your 'vision' that you did have to give up in order to make the movie possible?

Loeffellux492 karma

Do you think that Thiel chose Hogan precisely because he knew that the whole "isn't this hogan sex tape gawker court room scene just hilarious" aspect would overshadow his involvement to an extend? I mean, if it was just some random dude who sued gawker over something much less spicey maybe the public story would've been all about "how things work" when it comes to the incredibly powerful

Loeffellux307 karma

thanks for the answer! I'd like to ask one more question, though.

Because it all sounds a bit serendipitous. It only worked out because

  1. Hogan stated his planned course of action very publicly
  2. Hogan did so just after Thiel began looking for the right candidate
  3. Gawker was arrogant enough to run the tape either way

  4. Hogan's involvement got the case a lot of publicity (and the right kind of publicity as well)

  5. Hogan was very determined to actually go through with the process even though there was a very good chance that this would not work out and draw more attention to the tape even if it did work our (streisand effect and so on)

  6. Gawker failed to hide their arrogance in court and blundered their way into actually losing everyhing

Now obviously this wasn't Thiel's only option he'd ever have but I think it's fair to say that there've been questionable decisions on both ends that were necesseray for this all to unfold to Thie's advantage.

My question: how much do you think Thiel was able to influence the acting parties (directly or not) so everything would turn out like it did? Or was he just lucky that it worked out this well

Loeffellux13 karma

Almost as if he was probably gonna review it anyways 🤯

Loeffellux1 karma

Yeah but his job wasn't to advise people on what would make for a perfect life companion for them. His iob was to make money.

And when he talks about "events" it basically means being one step ahead of the people who think they are one step ahead of the people who are actually trying to invest based on what a company/product/concept/pet rock might provide.

Imo this is not a pursuit that contributes anything worthwhile towards our shared goals as a species. It's literally just capitalism eating itself to make sure that indeed none of the crumbs actually end up falling from the table and into the hands of those who actually have to work for a living.