Highest Rated Comments

LettingGo_Part119 karma

I use Bud light to sober up for the night. Such a pity

LettingGo_Part114 karma

Thanks for the insight. I'm honestly at a point that I'm trying to just see if anything works. I'm even considering trying shrooms with all the medical info coming out about psylocibin. I was tired of being on antidepressants, and just want to be better, so my kids and wife grow up and old with a more engaged dad.

LettingGo_Part114 karma

I know it's not a very scientific question, but for someone with chronic depression and anxiety, is there a benefit to using one or the other, THC or CBD? Or a benefit for a mix of both?

I've tried CBD droplets with no real luck, and wanted to make an informed decision on where to go next.

Thank you

LettingGo_Part16 karma

When my girlfriend gets angry at me she yells at me to do the splits -_-

LettingGo_Part13 karma

Hey! I wanted to say thank you for creating a wonderful show. It brings a smile to my face, and has a great sense of calming to me. Being someone who is treated like a child sometimes (I'm 23), this show kind of gives me a sense of how to just go for things, even though others don't think it's a good idea all the time.

My one question is, did you take any influence from sym bionic titan? Some of the characters remind me greatly of the show.

Thanks for your time!