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JaxenGrey34 karma

There's a lot of swelling post-surgery, even days later.

JaxenGrey34 karma

Hiya Andrew! Great to have you party with us here on Reddit.

I've seen you get a lot of flak about going on shows with conservative or right wing hosts. I figured it was because you prefer to have a discussion, a back-and-forth, and not just a lot of head-wagging affirmation.

Was it your idea to chat with Glenn Beck, or did he ask you to come onto his show?

JaxenGrey1 karma

My husband had a bad experience as a teen wherein his aunt (a therapist) tried to have him committed to an institution for being defiant and difficult to deal with. His mom was kind of railroaded into going along with the aunt's opinions. I know he could benefit greatly from therapy, and he has things he really should work out with someone and I've said as much. But he is terrified they'll "lock him up" for "being crazy" and refuses to even entertain the idea, even after having seen me positively affected by my own therapy. Is there anything I can do? I'm worried that if he doesn't get help, at some point he'll have a true breakdown. I can only listen so much; I'm not qualified nor prepared to be his "therapist".