Highest Rated Comments

ItchyParts16 karma

I've been to a Golden Corral restaurant at 5 different times in my life. Each time, there is at least two to three tables of about 8 to 10 Amish people eating. Every other restaurant I've ever been to in my life, I have never seen an Amish person eating. Why do is this? Also, is it appropriate to engage in conversation with them in public?

ItchyParts1 karma

Good morning, sir. Thank you for your service and thank you for answering questions! Just one question from me; Would you have done anything differently while serving in the military knowing what you know now? If so, could you elaborate?

ItchyParts1 karma

How old were you when you first solved a cube?

Did you first learn how to solve cube before you decided to do this type of act with it or did you learn how to solve it with the anticipation of doing something like this?

Lovely job and everything, was truly amazed the entire performance!