Highest Rated Comments

Imrazulem5 karma

I want to like tofu really badly but have never been able to get or find tofu that tastes properly seasoned. It always tastes very close to how it would when it is unseasoned and raw. It's almost as if any spices or seasonings just... slough off of it? Sorry to make it sound unappetizing but that's the best way I can describe it. Is this a me thing? Do I just taste the raw tofu taste really strongly? Or is this a preparatory issue? I was very surprised to see you describe tofus that taste like cheese or pastry. I have only ever had access to the blocky kind.

Imrazulem2 karma

Thank you so much, that actually makes sense. If this is indeed the case, would that mean that long stews or one pot pastas which bake in liquid for ages, during which the noodles absorb the spiced and over-salted liquid, would also be ideal conditions for the firm Tofu?

Imrazulem1 karma

what are mechanical energy harvesters and what's the cutting edge for them rn?