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Ickyfist9 karma

This isn't even talking about the same thing you are. The article you linked is talking about where the money increase from inflation is going (mostly into the pockets of corporations). You linked it as a form of evidence/argument to say that inflation is caused by corporate greed which the article completely lacks the information to support.

Ickyfist6 karma

I don't understand where this is coming from. I'm not calling you out or anything, I'm just wondering how you could make a post on this. Did they teach you about treating babies in chiropractor school, or touch on why it should/shouldn't be done? Or are you just coming from multiple angles to piece together what you know about infants and your career to make an educated guess on the matter?

Ickyfist2 karma

I'm just making a silly joke. In my experience people with conditions like this have a good sense of humor about it. It's not meant to offend anyone or disparage them for their disabilities!

Ickyfist1 karma

That's pretty funny, i like the tur-duck-en punchline.

I think the reason it bothers trump supporters isn't that they are really offended but rather annoyed that the joke works on a faulty premise that trump supporters are racist. I can imagine they would hear that and think, "Oh okay another person who knows nothing about us that thinks we're evil." To them it is a stereotype about them that has no truth to it but which is very prevalent among those that dislike them. They are tired of the left having such prevalent misunderstandings about them and that can instantly turn them off from your routine because the joke lacks understanding and truth from their perspective and that is something they deal with very commonly so it's old to them.

It's like if there was a common racial stereotype about asians really liking apples and someone told a joke about that, an asian person might be like..."Ughh I'm tired of people thinking we are obsessed with apples, where does that even come from?"

Ickyfist1 karma

It sounds to me like you are describing people who aren't actually racist and are upset because you misunderstand them. People love to throw around the label so much these days that they have forgotten what it means. Very few people are actually racist, there are only a few thousand actual white supremacists (and there are actually more black supremacists in the US despite being a smaller fraction of the population).

What people often think is racist is not. For example, muslim as you said earlier is not a race and middle easterners are caucasian anyway. Hispanic people are on average about 80% white european. The reason most people want things like a border wall is because of culture and money, not race. They aren't thinking they are racially inferior and should be kept out, they're thinking that if you have too much immigration it causes social issues where people are forced to be united when they have less and less in common (which is why the country is becoming more balkanized, 65% of immigration is chain migration of people going to live with others like them). They start to feel out of place in their own country.

There is also the issue of illegal immigration costing us well over 100 billion a year and that illegal immigration causes tons of labor issues and depresses wages which is why the rich love it--it increases GDP but lowers labor costs at the same time and the taxpayer has to make up the difference. And they also don't want to keep letting in immigration because those demographics overwhelming vote against the policies they want so they are afraid that their viewpoint will soon be overpowered and erased. Now a wall might not be the best solution but that is the motivation here for 99% of Trump supporters.

That group is always willing to laugh at racial stereotype jokes.

I think there are two parts to this. One part is that people are more sensitive about race jokes because they think a double standard has arisen where it is only okay to joke about white people. I remember like 10 years ago and everyone was less sensitive and could laugh and joke about how white people can't dance etc but now since they feel that only jokes about white people are socially acceptable it has become a problem. The other part to this is that stereotype jokes have to have some sort of truth to them to be funny and not be mean-spirited and most jokes about whites now like about them being racist are just inaccurate. Whites are statistically by far the least racist group and that is what a lot of stereotypes in comedy revolve around.