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My buddy called me a wimp for not going all out on the alpine slide and then I didn’t see him for a while and he lost all the skin on the side of his thigh and his shorts were tattered. He had to tie a shirt around his waist the rest of the day.

Actually, now that I think about it, his light sensitivity for the next two weeks sorta goes with a concussion

We had a great time


When driven to the right place, do you squirt?


Do you know your translocation? Two genes fused to cause your cancer-most common is EWSR1-FLI1 but there’s lots of varieties. Many are Ewing. Some aren’t Ewing but are “Ewing-like”, me and some colleagues wrote a paper about those appearing in the skin.

If you have a pic of what your skin looked like when you started and your molecular results, I think you can get a head start on your career by writing your own case report. Happy to help.



Both are certainly rare. Ewing-like small round blue cell tumors without EWSR1 or FLI1 mutations are often (but not always!) mutated in CIC (does happen in the skin) or BCOR (often in bone, can be in skin). Your doctors you talk to may not know the difference-that’s not a big deal, right now it doesn’t seem to change the chemo regimen you get, but your pathologist (who typically doesn’t talk to patients but I bet would be happy to talk to you if you asked) would.

We might be able to do your molecular tests for free where I work if your pathology lab can mail some unstained unbaked slides. It probably won’t determine treatment, but might help everyone understand your prognosis…but it’ll definitively help you write up your case for a journal. There are VERY few pictures of what the skin changes look like; it would be neat if doctors could suspect this to help you get the surgery to cut it out faster.


We’re getting about 90% as the classic one. I’d eat hats at 99 and some…