Highest Rated Comments

HazyHunter801472 karma

You seem like a really fun guy, you gonna mess with people and pretend like your foot fell off in crazy situations sort of like "Arrested Development"?

HazyHunter80118 karma

Hey, Australian Ex-Mcdonalds employee here! What's the worst thing you've seen in your store?

At mine it was a nugget the size of my palm, that looked like it had bits of leftover chicken in it, e.g. Nails and a bit of beak. We threw it out pretty quickly so can't fully confirm that. But that was pretty fucked up.

HazyHunter8012 karma

Is this scene an accurate description of your life?


HazyHunter8012 karma

Can you take a selfie up there?

HazyHunter8011 karma

I think the question on everyones mind is- did you do the diet that doctors don't want you to know about?