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Frodoholic62 karma

It'd certainly make for an interesting story! I think part of the appeal is after an event filled with so much death that maybe someone had a chance to start over. It's hopeful in a sad way.

Frodoholic55 karma

What is the biggest misconception about undocumented workers that you would like to clarify?

Edit: I'm happy to see many people posting about what they think the biggest misconception is. My family is very close to this issue, and have struggled with popular misrepresentations every time "illegal immigration" becomes a hot topic issue.

Frodoholic28 karma

Hi Jesse and Mickey! My sister and I have been long time fans of Maroon 5, and it’s awesome that you guys are doing an AMA! I wanted to thank you for being so generous with your fans. We once saw you in Ithaca, New York. You came out after the show, took pictures, and signed autographs for fans like my sister and I who waited for you in the freezing cold. Thanks for that!

I’d like to ask you about the sound for this album. It seems like Maroon 5 is now solidly pop; what do you think about Maroon 5’s musical direction, and do you think we’ll see an album in the future that sounds more like Songs About Jane?

Frodoholic18 karma

For making the most of your birthday, I would add visiting City Hall on Main Street (this applies at least to Disneyland but I'm sure Disney World is similar). If you tell them it's your birthday, you will get a pin that says "Happy Birthday" and they will write your name on it. If you wear it around the park, cast members will wish you a happy birthday regularly. The only special treatment other than being extra nice is that while at the restaurant inside the Pirates of the Caribbean ride our server gave my sister a free dessert since she had her birthday pin on. It's just a small way to really make the most of your birthday while visiting inside the park.

Source: I've visited Disneyland during mine or someone else's birthdays multiple times.

Frodoholic15 karma

Go to City Hall on Main Street and let them know it's your first visit, and see if they have pins they can give you and the kids. It'll let other people in the park know it's your first time and they will try to make your experience even more fun and memorable. (We've done this at Disneyland, but I'm sure it's the same at Disney World).

Edit: To add to this, if you can change your eating schedule a little bit, it might help you avoid lines. The kids rides have (supposedly) shorter lines during the prime lunch/dinner hours, so if you eat a little earlier or a little later you might be able to enjoy less lines at the kid rides.