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FriendlyWebGuy483 karma

I’d like to hear how distributed ledger (blockchain) itself is a “giant fraud”. How can a technology be a fraud?

I’m struggling to understand because to my way of thinking technology itself can’t be fraudulent. It’s just… technology. It’s simply math.

It CAN and HAS been widely misrepresented and misused by proponents in a fraudulent manner. No argument there. At all. But a technology is just a technology. It has no moral compass.

Note: Before downvoting, note that I’m talking specifically about blockchain and distributed ledger technology not Bitcoin, another coin, it’s ecosystem, it’s supporters, or anything else. The issue I have with the claim is one of calling a technology fraudulent.

And no, saying “it doesn’t do what it’s proponents claim” does not make the technology fraudulent even if it does make its proponents fraudulent.

FriendlyWebGuy57 karma

Haha, I love that this is a thing!

FriendlyWebGuy49 karma

In paragraph 3 of your post, you clearly and unequivocally claim that the technology itself is fraudulent. Just so I’m clear, are you recanting that?

It’s okay if you are, but those were your breathlessly hyperbolic words. You tried to claim that.


FriendlyWebGuy30 karma

You don’t have to “watch any ads” with Brave either. Brave is also open source.

As for being “behind” other browsers, can you cite an example where this has resulted in any significant user harm or problems?

FriendlyWebGuy19 karma

You’re missing the point. Even if I say “none” that doesn’t make the technology fraudulent does it?