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FreshKidIce7 karma

There is animosity between members of the group. He came in as a hype man. And then a lot of people fail to realize, the label was started for 4 people. He started as our manager. Later. As in the first album he was the manager, on the album cover where it says Fresh Kid Ice - MC, Brother Marquis - MC, Mr MIxx - DJ, Luke Skyywalker - Manager. And in 88 he became part of the group as hype man. The group wanted to concentrate on msuic and let him handle the business part. And by him handling the business part it went from our company to "My company." The first 3 albums was recorded without a contract. And the contracts didnt come in until 1990. So in ways he used friendship to gain trust and escalated himself in other ways. So thats why when people say what broke up 2 Live Crew, it was basically business, because our end, he didnt take care fo the group like we took care of the company by investing all of our money into the company. The company went bankrupt because of his decisions and the way he played it. A lot of the stuff was handed to him, a successfule group was handed to him and he bankrupted the company. And people always say did each memeber want to be like Luke? No. Each member had their own identity. We each only wanted to be ourselves and be a unit to create music and he just used it in a way by not paying royalties and not doing this and that and he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar by the judges. So thats how the company went under. We were livin basically normal lives, nothin lavish, jus regular homes. He wanted the big house, the clubs, the great cars. We was just surviving off of our show money and investing the record sales back into the company. When you have Gold Records and took our money out of it, 1/4th woulda been for each member. When we had 2 gold records, a double platinum album, and sevreral goold and platinum singles, if we had took out our money he wouda had nothin to work with. First MC Shy D it's public record what the judge said about him when he ruiled against Luke. So....that's life, and that's why there's animosity between group members and so forth. More of this can be read about in my book "My Rise 2 Fame" find it on Amazon.

FreshKidIce7 karma

I like getting head better, and head in the bed is the best

FreshKidIce6 karma

Hahaha wow. exactly. Basically when we did clean versions it was like recording a whole new song. We didnt do punchout outs we reworded the whole song to make it clean. Basically we came up with that cause when people started getting arrested for selling our music to minors we decided to give them another option. You just wanna sell to 18 and over or the clean versions to the younger kids....so we decided to sell clean too. The 18+ can go gold, but we can sell another 200,000 or 300,000 records if we just make clean versions. It was a marketing technique. We all agreed to do it. At that time we voted on everything

FreshKidIce6 karma

Once I moved here to Miami in 1986, i never moved away! The book is a must read. Tells you a lot about 2 Live Crew, Fresh Kid Ice, and hip hop in general

FreshKidIce6 karma

Hahahaha I believe women are always horny