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FordBeWithYou8 karma

I love asking this to therapists: What have your own experiences with Vicarious Trauma been like? What resources have been helpful for the helpers, and what advice do you have for anyone who was interested in the field of psychiatry regarding this?

FordBeWithYou5 karma

Just wondering (sorry if too personal), what kept you going during those low times before the fame? That's a tough place to come back from, and it's remarkable going from the back of your van to where you are today. Thanks again!

FordBeWithYou4 karma

That’s been confirmed from another AMA I saw, I think it was one with two psychologists in Vegas(?)

FordBeWithYou2 karma

They absolutely can, it’s just a paid advertising thing. But know your crowd, if you’re attempting an AMA, people need things to, well, “A”. If it’s someone unknown, or JUST a random musician (not putting down OP, she’s doing more than I am) then there will be little interest in asking her anything.

Respectfully, this seems like a weird choice when most of the people on this sub expect fairly famous people to pop up that they recognize and want to talk to about their projects/careers/personal lives. That’s just the expectations of most people on this sub.

FordBeWithYou1 karma

From what I gathered, AMA’s (even large ones) are paid promotional advertising for people. So she probably paid for this.