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Faxon343 karma

That's a BIG oof considering he's also expected to know english even when flying in japanese airspace. It's the internationally accepted language of the skies in most places and most airlines require you to know it before they'll even put you in a cockpit. Basically the only place this isn't true now is Russia, who once again is cut off from the international air travel network, and no flights go through Russia either for obvious reasons, but before the war even they were required to know english

Faxon57 karma

that and humans taste enough like pork anyway (hence the term longpig) that they might as well just grow pork and bacon instead and not creep everyone the fuck out

Faxon53 karma

Yes but no. HK is china's financial portal to the rest of the world. Theres all kinds of limits on what businesses can and can't do in China, both for domestic and international businesses. Many of those limits didn't exist in Hong Kong, so entities that wanted to operate in China would create a business that operates in China with the same name, but with a certain amount of Chinese ownership and other quirks. Conversion of the money to international currencies generally happened in Hong Kong because it was leas controlled by the CCP than elsewhere. Now however, the CCP doesn't seem to care, and it's especially obvious this is how they feel based on their total ignoring of Arm China's hostile takeover. Unlike most, where a hostile company buys up stock till they own a majority share, the CEO of arm China just said fuck it, barred Arm US employees from the building, and have released an alternate corporate road map. They're basically just stealing the entire Chinese market and they're doing it right in the open for everyone to see. Behavior like this is why HK was so important, because it game companies operating in both HK and mainland China more legal recourse. Now though, all that is falling apart. Give it a couple decades and I'd bet that China is losing its manufacturing superpower status already, as people move to cheaper labor markets with less risk and more intellectual property protections. The heist of Arm is probably the heist of the century as well. Major companies are going to think twice now before giving a Chinese spinoff, which will invariably have links to the CCP, access to any of their critical IP, and it could seriously damage the Chinese tech industry indefinitely, if the CCP doesn't act to stop what's happening with ARM China now.

Faxon42 karma

it's not creepy it's science and well known at that. there are plenty of anthropological studies of cannibal cultures which were able to obtain this information in addition to thousands of years of folklore about it as well, forgetting entirely that it's still an underground segment of just about every modern culture in existence today as well. I'd rather we at least are aware of things like this rather than hide from the truth of the matter when its sitting out in plain site for everyone to see, and I hardly see how its creepy. There is a reason that pigs are the most frequently used analogue to the human body for scientific testing purposes involving (formerly) living tissues and how they interact with other objects in the environment.

Faxon37 karma

I've been doing everything I can to keep others interested in Ukraine and provide them with news updates when things happen that mainstream media isn't covering extensively, while spending some of my hobby money on Ukrainian (soviet era) made vacuum tubes sold by a seller in Kyiv, all from the Vinnytsia factory. It's not much but it feels good to get something you love in exchange for something Ukraine needs (money flowing into the economy from outside). I'm pretty sure I've seen one of the channels I watch also cover your content! IDK maybe Denys Davydov or Jake Broe? Not sure on that one, they release videos almost every day it seems like so it all kinda blurs together at this point. Anyway regardless, your artwork is wonderful, and I sincerely hope you guys come out of this conflict stronger than ever (and the same goes for all of Ukraine). I don't have any questions, other than to ask if there is anything you guys need more of where you're currently staying, and where you recommend we send such donations. I wish you all the best, and I wish Ukraine a swift victory.