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ExceptionCollection23 karma

Have you ever needed to go through pre-publication review, and if so how long did it take? I’m an aspiring writer that works for DoD, currently workshopping a book.

ExceptionCollection12 karma

Sadly, the book I’m workshopping is an ISOT style book with a US military base dropped elsewhen.

ExceptionCollection10 karma

I’m an engineer in Puget Sound.

Do you think that Puget Sound is reasonably prepared for life safety during a code-level seismic event?

How vulnerable are our utilities at this point?

Do you think the design MCEr utilized in our building codes is high enough?

ExceptionCollection3 karma


I’m actually debating making a larger series (kinda like the Assitti Shards series by Eric Flint), with at least three threads (one of which won’t involve the US).