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ExProxy25 karma

Hey Sunny,

Old SG member here (membership has since lapsed for ages as well.) Just a couple things.

If inspired by some of the veteran suicide girls, which ones stick out in your mind the most and have you had the opportunity to catch up with any?

Suicide Girls also started off and still advertises as 'Alternative Pin Up' art and seems to have lost its way, more or less becoming Amateur girls with professional cameras. Far less of the 'Alternative' lifestyle. Do you see this trend continuing on the same path or possibly going back to its roots?

ExProxy3 karma

I get what you are saying but what I was getting at is that since the first generation (Quinn, Nixon, Teagan, etc) and the 2nd gen. (Mnislahi, Akemi, Manko) There seems to be something lost after that. Perhaps its lost its potency but I watched the SG Culture and was part of that culture for a long time. It got to a point where it was any girl who felt like losing clothes and owned a camera was appearing on the site. So not so much the potency as overwhelmed maybe? The influx of what became "Scene girls" Pumping out one set then never again just to gain the title of Suicide girl. Granted, I havent been on the site in a long time (We were under 100 girls when I signed up) and perhaps it evened out some or there's been changes made. All I know is that it wasent the same, something was lost and it didnt have the same feeling anymore.

Ah the glory days. One Day you too will become nostalgia.