Highest Rated Comments

EudaimonicBeast18 karma

The Alexandra Drennan audio logs in TP are wonderful, truly emotional, more impactful because they are the little, lonely bit of humanity in the sparse, lifeless, in-game world (it's a beautiful place, but you aren't allowed to forget that it's an artificial, dead world!). Can you say anything about the narrative role of the AD audio logs, how they came to be included? What's AD's narrative role in TP2, where there's many voices and more life?

EudaimonicBeast2 karma

When's someone going to offer to sell me the TP2 soundtrack? (Selfishly, I think Steam should have included it as a preorder gift!)

EudaimonicBeast2 karma

Like you (if Wikipedia is to be believed), I was an English/Philosophy major! Your philosophical denomination: deontological, consequentialist, or virtue ethics? (Does Talos Principle take a stance either way? Does framing philosophy this way even mean anything outside of a classroom?)

Do you have any philosophical influences that haven't yet worked their way into your games, but need to?

Thank you! Talos Principle has been my happy place for years!

EudaimonicBeast2 karma

Awesome! I made some misguided assumptions, hearing "Alex's" voice in the trailer! Thanks!

EudaimonicBeast1 karma

Does the writer get to "write in" visual easter eggs, or is that just designers' prerogative? Any, visual or otherwise, you're responsible for? I've never bothered egg hunting in any other game, but it's actually one of my favorite parts of Talos. It's meditative there, a good excuse to listen to that soundtrack longer! Hope I can spend irrational amounts of time finding them in TP2!