Highest Rated Comments

EVOL_Foods17 karma

Dont just take my word for it. Do some cooking yourself and freeze some stuff. My goal is not to get you to eat more frozen food - it's actually to serve people that need convenience but also to encourage people to cook. At home on the weekends, I always make things like roasted meatballs, enchiladas, burritos, carnitas, etc..., then freeze them and store them - that way, when I'm busy during the week I can pull out some frozen homemade enchiladas heat them up and serve them with a salad.

EVOL_Foods11 karma

I think the big points of differentiation with our product is that we have a brand that people can connect with on an emotional level, that we value great taste and nutritional balance and don't feel that nutritional balance means that the product can't taste good, and that our brand values are deeply rooted in the virtues that are most important to people who care about themselves, others, food, the environment, and the planet - that is, authenticity, transparency, inclusiveness, fun, introspection, continuous improvement, etc...

EVOL_Foods10 karma

Yes I believe that we will go more in that direction as americans become fatter and sicker and cost our entire economy so much more money - but only if we can unveil the reality that we (the public) are transferring our tax dollars directly to corporations, who are profiting, and using those profits to make the public sick by feeding them cheap crap that kills them.

EVOL_Foods10 karma

Never heard of him until now, but looks like a bad ass on Wikipedia. Will read up on him later. Thanks!

EVOL_Foods10 karma

Best way to get more of our items in your grocery store is to talk to store managers and fill out comment cards. Thank you for all your support. I agree with you on the Mac n Cheese. As someone who has eaten so much frozen food because it is partially my job, I believe it is probably the best frozen food product currently in market.