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Dramatic-Factor-746524 karma

Is it true that San Francisco is a ticking time bomb? I have heard that eventually there will be an earthquake big enough to destroy the city. Is the west coast doomed?

Dramatic-Factor-746514 karma

Exactly! and the conditions in nursing homes are horrible (same in psych facilities) President Biden recently passed a bill to mandate safe staffing ratio's but there is push back from lobbyists. Why do we want people indefinitely locked up in horrible conditions? That is abuse.

Dramatic-Factor-746513 karma

This is a joke right? Did you know that antipsychotics can increase death in the elderly? Did you know that it can cause weight gain, diabetes, and even shrink your brain? The class of drugs is ONLY used to subdue people. That is why it is used in nursing homes. If everyone is drugged out of their mind and asleep, they can't complain about being left in the same urine chuck for hours on end because the nurse is either too lazy to change it or there is short staffing.

Dramatic-Factor-746512 karma

The solution is to have easy access so people can fill out advanced medical directives. So much time is wasted on people who DON'T WANT CARE. It happens in the elderly too. "Meemaw is a fighter" when in reality the chance of CPR actually bringing 99 year old grandma back is slim.

If people filled out advanced medical directives and hospital systems had easy access in EHR's I bet there are a bunch of people who wouldn't feel coerced to get care. Sometimes hospitals are so scared of getting sued that they push for unnecessary procedures to cover the bases. Other times its families or patients that want unnecessary treatment.

Dramatic-Factor-746511 karma

What is he saying that is stopping someone from receiving services that they consent to? He is discussing how involuntary treatment can be abusive. While there ARE some people who are helped, it doesn't do justice to ignore the thousands of people that languish in filthy understaffed facilities that are subject to abuse. The system needs reform and unfortunately, patients rights are routinely violated so that issue needs to be addressed.