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Doesntafraid512 karma

Hi RJ, Ive been a Big fan since Deadringer (even used part of good times roll pt 2 to intro the groomsmen at my wedding).

About your album, The Third Hand, what made you decide to do so many of the vocals yourself? I listened to that album so many times before I found out it was you!

Doesntafraid57 karma

Lol, sounds like you weren't too happy with it?

It was not my favorite of your records, but I had been long anticipating a new release from you and while some songs i didn't like, there were others that I liked a lot and then grew to appreciate the ones i wasn't initially so fond of.

It has been a while since i sat down and listened to the whole thing, but I remember feeling like I could connect with you because you had something to say. I always liked your music, but going from mostly instrumentals to actually lyrics allowed me some insight. Someday and Just When I really connected to in terms of having a family, and whats important.

Maybe I just liked your "classic" and psych rock influences. Anyway, thanks for getting back to me, cant wait for the new album!

Doesntafraid56 karma

I guess people were expecting something closer to Deadringer and SWLS. I remember hearing it and it not being what I was expecting. I stuck to the "RJ flavor" instrumental track at first, but quickly ended up enjoying the whole album. Shit, I even bought it on wax.

Doesntafraid53 karma

Glad to hear your side effects are minimal, some people get really bad skin irritation and even desquamation (skin breaks down/ peels off). Fatigue is common, especially with the chemo. I hear the chemo is worse, and takes a fairly long time per treatment.

I'm also happy to hear you like your radiation therapists, chances are they can tell you like them, I usually do :).

The gel thing is called a bolus, and it is used to alter the depth to where the radiation dose is delivered (when it is on, the dose is delivered closer to the skin surface). Typically we apply it everyday or every other day, so maybe your radiotherapy site does it 1st half / 2nd half. I'm not sure if that is common or not, I have only worked at one hospital. If there was some sort of consistency, they should be doing everything the same exact way every day unless your treatment plan changed. Our machine won't let us treat you unless we sign off saying that the bolus is in place. You can always ask them why something is different, my patients always know when we are taking too long or doing something extra, or if the setup doesn't feel right.

Tl;dr: gel thing is called bolus, and is used to change where in your body is getting the dose. It's important, so definitely ask about it.

Doesntafraid53 karma

Late to this, but I'll leave it here anyway.

Really sorry to hear about your diagnoses and extent of treatment. I am a Radiation Therapy student and I treat a lot of women with breast cancers. The side effects of radiation treatment vary from person to person and I was wondering what you thought of your radiation treatment experience, and the medical professionals you dealt with.

What can I do as a Radiation Therapist to make your experience better, or make your more comfortable. If there are any questions I can answer for you from my end, I would be happy to and you can PM me anytime. Best of luck to you!