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CumfartablyNumb1155 karma

He has that "Most Interesting Man in the World" vibe going strong. Like Hemingway.

CumfartablyNumb541 karma


CumfartablyNumb275 karma


CumfartablyNumb183 karma

I was a candidate for ECT. Never underwent the procedure. It's considered a last resort.

It's hard to express how bad psychological pain can be. People who haven't experienced it, or who've only experienced limited pain, have a hard time understanding.

Imagine if you mangled your arm in heavy machinery and you are in horrific pain. You can't sleep. You can't eat. You can't function. The pain is so bad that it drowns out the whole world around you.

So a surgeon offers to amputate. Losing the arm means losing significant function. You will never be quite the same again. But currently you're in so much pain you've lost virtually all function. So it becomes a lesser of two evils kind of choice.

ECT is generally a last ditch effort to combat crippling depression. And since we live in an unfriendly world sometimes it's a matter of survival. If I'm too depressed to function and I have no safety net either I undergo the risky procedure and regain 80% of my previous function so I can work, or I am evicted and left to die in the streets. This kind of thing happens all the time in the first world. It comes down to survival and quality of life.

At a certain point I'd give up anything to end the pain. I'd even accept permanent memory loss and brain damage if it meant not feeling the pain.

CumfartablyNumb114 karma

Since his stand-up comedy was different each episode, the theme music had to be adapted each week to fit his routine.

Also a brilliant way to lock in job security. Bravo.