Highest Rated Comments

CubedRoot24 karma

Why did you stop accepting bitcoins? Do you think you will ever reconsider? I will donate to you once you begin accepting them.

CubedRoot22 karma

There are many, many pilots in the General Aviation field that would have flown the drug for you. Heck they would have even let you personally sit in the co-pilot seat of their personal GA airplane and donated the ride for free. They would have also meet you at the nearest airstrip (municiple, private, you name it) at any hour of the night and flown you and the drug to any airport near the hospital.

Please, check into things called "Life Flights". Also, just ring up the local airport and ask if they know of any pilots willing to make the flight for you. I would gamble that if you had told them it was a 10 year old girl needing the drug to saver her life, you'd have had dozens of volunteers firing up their Cessna's, Pipers or Mooneys to fly you within minutes.

Such a sad loss because no one attempted to involve the General Aviation communities in their neighborhoods. We love flying, and helping people.

I don't know if you will read this, but please look into something like this. Such a sad tale because you couldn't find a commercial flight, when so many other flying options were available :(

CubedRoot10 karma

Totally depends on their contract. Not all contracts have penalties for default. Its very possible Ouya has a clause stating no promised deadlines for retail with their retailers.

CubedRoot10 karma

Fucking Sharon.

CubedRoot3 karma

Have you considered the possibility of how groupthink can muddy the creative / expressive works process?

I didn't care to much for the medley. Its a cool project, but the end result is kind of like when a bunch of people mix colors together. You usually end up with this drab, brown or grey mess. Creative processes usually do not work well in groups, because the creative process for music or art is an expression of oneself, conveyed by that medium. Its much easier for another human to interpret that work in their own paradigm. However, if we have a group of folks all talking at the same time, the conversation gets muddled. The same goes for painting or music. To many different opinions trying to express a multitude of different feelings and you end up with this huge complex mix of differences. It ends up shit brown or ugly grey. Much like music does when its written by a large group. It becomes a drab compilation of this inredibly complex combinations of emotions and paradigms from every contributor, and ultimately becomes noise to the receiver.