Highest Rated Comments

ChironXII30 karma

(i.e. never lol)

ChironXII15 karma

I think the real issue was with that iPhone he took the picture with. Now that's just asking to get fired.

ChironXII12 karma

Oh they do fire you.... straight into the sun. On a jet.

ChironXII10 karma

Seriously. I haven't ever had to sign one, but I'm definitely going to think about it if I'm ever in that situation.

ChironXII-1 karma

Banning dark money is an important step, but only part of an overall solution:

To begin with, just banning one source of funds doesn't actually increase opportunity for less corrupt candidates; we also need an alternative and viable means of public funding.

More important is reforming the underlying system that prevents competition and accountability: choose one FPTP voting.

Without the two party duopoly enforced by the spoiler effect, voters would be free to choose candidates that don't take bribes. But in the current system doing so only serves to split the vote.

Do you have any broader or more specific proposals to address the more fundamental issues? Single issue reform candidates don't tend to do well. You need to also be able to handle broad topics and relate them back to your core issues in a way that people can relate to.