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CaptainJester422 karma

Is it distracting to play guitar while upside down all the time?

CaptainJester422 karma

Thanks! I hope NDT uses your discovery on an episode of Cosmos soon!

CaptainJester422 karma


I loved you on Gilmore Girls. I am saddened because I keep hoping that someone will wise up and cast you as Wonder Woman. What are some of your dream roles?

CaptainJester421 karma

Is there a field of Chemistry related to space? Like Astro-Chemistry? I was just thinking that would be a fun branch of chemistry for me to focus my major on.

CaptainJester421 karma

What made you decide to become a Physicist?

Did you have any mentors?

What advice do you have for undergrads looking to move into your field?

Know any good Chemistry REU's/Internships?