Highest Rated Comments

CTDubs0001581 karma

Let me be the first to ask what everybody wants to know. Will we get a film or TV of the final three books? And thanks for writing one of the most enjoyable series I’ve ever read. Amazing stuff.

CTDubs000156 karma

Thanks for the answer! And really truly… thanks so much for the series. Countless countless hours of enjoyment and whenever I read a big series like this I always prepare myself for the author to not stick the landing at the end. My god you guys blew the ending out of the park! Thanks so much.

CTDubs00011 karma

Can you talk about what it was like to write your characters for so long where they only lived in your heads, and then what it was like to see the wonderful cast of the show give their spin on your creations? How did that influence your own writing of the characters as time went along? I know for me personally, some of the actors went down different roads than what was in my head, but their Interpretations were fantastic. Did their performances influence your writing of the later books?