Highest Rated Comments

AllyGambit140 karma

Make it happen so, Internet. FTFY

AllyGambit117 karma

Wil! My question is about BEER: Stone Farking Wheaton wootstout 2.0 to be more specific, do you know if this will release in stores around the same time as hop con? I missed out on wootstout last year, I am hoping to not make that mistake this year.

To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

AllyGambit3 karma

Hey Bill! I've met you several times at DragonCon and I swear I'm not stalking you. DragonCon2013 Super Powered Revenge Christmas group photo!

You might remember me as the lone SPRC kickstarter backer in your DragonCon panel (I still can't believe that!)

I received my copy of Super Powered Revenge Christmas a few months a go and I really love how the book turned out graphically, how the story flows, the characters, and the overall humor is really fantastic!

Question: Have you run into other kickstarter backers for SPRC irl? (Are there more of us?!)

What has the general reception been to SPRC from these backers?