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Adamaf223 karma

When you guys finally broke out, I'm assuming you had a chance to meet alot of your idols. Who exceeded expectations for you and who disappointed you when you met them?

Adamaf22 karma

Steven, first off, your drumming on "appetite" is amazing. Secondly...everytime my wife and I visit LA , we always have to hit up the rainbow. So my question is, what are the chances that the bathrooms there were used by you and the rest of guns for...alternative purposes?

Adamaf21 karma

Is there any actor/actress you've wanted to work with, but haven't had the chance to yet? Or conversely, actors/actresses that are no longer with us, that you wish you could've worked with?

Adamaf21 karma

Pleasure to speak with you Mr. Stone. How do you feel about the current culture of remakes or rehashing of movies and television? Do you feel it's due to a lack of creativity? Or simply due to that being what the public seems to be interested in?