Highest Rated Comments

AFbeardguy671 karma

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

AFbeardguy153 karma

Obama (2012) after his DACA Executive Order was introduced:

"Now, let's be clear -- this is not amnesty, this is not immunity.  This is not a path to citizenship.  It's not a permanent fix.  This is a temporary stopgap measure that lets us focus our resources wisely while giving a degree of relief and hope to talented, driven, patriotic young people."

Are you against the President for forcing the legislative branch to either nullify/invalidate DACA or do you think our immigration laws and borders should be nonexistent? How do you feel about the millions of people already in line, waiting to become a US citizen in the proper, legal fashion?

AFbeardguy134 karma

I believe his lawyer did. For defamation.

AFbeardguy70 karma

I'm not sure what I'm looking at in the photos. You have two vaginal canals?

AFbeardguy9 karma

Pistachio's good, but I prefer mint chocolate chip. It shares many of the same qualities imo.